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GUANGZHOU WENZHENG musical Instrument Co., Ltd.

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shore s-200s solid  classical guitar
shore s-200s solid classical guitar
Specification: 39inch classical guitar
Detail: Bodytop:Solid Korean pine, Back&side:Rosewood, String:Savarez. nut&saddle:bone paint:matt retail price:RMB,1580

shore s-400cs solid folk guitar
shore s-400cs solid folk guitar
Specification: 41inch Dreadnought cutaway
Detail: Style:41inch Dreadnought cut folk guitar Body top:A solid pine. Back&side:Rosewood(rosewood rdging). String:Dadaario. Nut&saddle:Bone. Paint:Matt. Audition video:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjYxNTA4MjUy.html?from=y1.2-...

shore s-480ck  solid folk guitar
shore s-480ck solid folk guitar
Specification: 41inch Auditorium cut
Detail: SHORE S-480CK guitar .Specificaion:41T,Scale:650MM,Top board:Solid wood spruce£¬Back&Sides:Rosewood,Neck:Mahogany,Finger Board:Rosewood,Finsh:Gliss.Suggested retail£º2750 RMB
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